
Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Russia Could Wage War on America May 9

 Russia!  Russia!  Russia!  They sure seem to be in the news these past years.  In fact they take the front page of headlines almost every day since Trump was elected and the Dems made up a story about the Russian colluding with Trump to win.

If the Bible says they are going to be a Last Days player, then we would expect to see them rise onto the chess board and prepare for that day.

An article in the Wall Street Journal on Sunday reported that Russia was “recasting” the war in Ukraine as a global conflict in the making.

“The forces that have always pursued a policy of containing Russia…they do not want such a huge and independent country that is too big for their ideas,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said last week, according to a report in the WSJ. “They believe it endangers them simply by the fact of its existence, although this is far from reality. It is they who endanger the world.”

“[Any country that] creates strategic threats for Russia that are unacceptable to us, they should know that our retaliatory strikes will be lightning-fast,” he said. [Russia has] all the tools for this, such that no one [else] can boast of,” he said. “We will use them if necessary.”

The article suggested that the Russian government could use Victory Day, celebrated on May 9, as a focal point to motivate their citizens. Victory day commemorates the victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. Russian President Vladimir Putin has justified his invasion of Ukraine with claims that his goal is to eradicate the Nazi influences. Such a claim would serve as a powerful motivation for Russians, as in the war against the Nazis in World War II, the losses of the Soviet Union from all related causes were about 27,000,000, both civilian and military. The German army occupied Ukraine in September 1941; however, Nationalists in western Ukraine were among the most enthusiastic Nazi collaborators.

Here;  WSJ Report: Russia could wage war against America on May 9 (

As is fair in war, if a nation or group is supplying arms to your enemy in which they will be used to kill your soldiers or destroy your equipment, a country could certainly make the case that expanding the war to target those suppliers would be in their interest.  And certainly America is supplying weapons to Ukraine.

Will Russia pull the trigger?  It's being reported that Putin is filled with cancer and maybe is feeling he has nothing to lose and everything to gain for Mother Russia before he gets too sick?  The plot thickens.

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