
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Surgeon Set to Transplant Womb into Male Patient

 The insanity continues as doctors now want to take a womb from  FEMALE and sew it into a MALE so that male can become a BIRTHING PERSON.  Next up doctors will try and attach a large scrotum and testicles to a woman so she can hopefully impregnate a birthing person with a transplanted uterus. Maybe one day soon they can put a uterus and vagina onto a male but leave his penis and testicles intact so that he can impregnate himself and become a birthing person!  That would be a dream come true for queer Americans across the country!  Also a dream come true for those folks who have married themselves.  Then THEY could finally have the family they yearn for.  

When does God finally say, “Enough!”


Kaushik looks to source the womb from a female-to-male donor in the hopes that using a healthy womb removed from a live person will improve the outcome of the surgery which has rarely been attempted even on biological women. Doctors in Turkey and Saudi Arabia previously completed the procedure but the recipients were unable to bear children nevertheless. In Sweden, Dr. Mats Brannstrom delivered a baby from a woman who had been given her mother’s womb as a transplant. Brannstrom was able to delivery 5 babies in total from patients who successfully underwent womb transplants. In 2020, American citizen Jennifer Gobrecht also gave birth to a baby boy following a womb transplant from a deceased donor.

While advocates of the procedure may point to female-to-male transgender mothers as an auspicious omen, the inverted situation is an entirely different circumstance all together. Male anatomy precludes the pelvis from being wide enough for an infant to pass through a birth canal. Advocates of the surgery highlight that delivery could be achieve alternatively by cesarean section. Despite those challenges, many doctors believe that this is simply just another hurdle for medical science to triumph over. Dr. Richard Paulson once stated "There would be additional challenges, but I don’t see any obvious problem that would preclude it. I think it would be possible." in 2017 when he then served as president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

Transgender Surgery Institutte India, the clinic which Kishauk will perform the surgery has already established itself in providing medical treatment to transgender patients. The Indian doctor lauds himself for the standard of medicine he has been able to practice from aesthetic feminization procedures to sexual reassignment surgeries. "Many of our patients tell us that their sexual partners don’t even notice that they weren't born with female sex organs," said Dr. Kaushik who expounded “that’s our aim, to make it so that they live as normal a life as possible as a woman. We aim for an aesthetic ideal.”

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