
Sunday, June 12, 2022

Fox News Betrays Conservatives With LGBTQ Pride

We know that as we near the end of this age that everyone is going to turn on followers of Christ who hold to a biblical worldview.  Fox News has been one place that isn’t perfect, but at least it hadn’t gone full “woke” and we could at least tolerate watching, unlike CBS, ABC, etc...  But now it seems they couldn’t resist the wokeness of Gay Pride month and just had to come out with a story about a 5 yr old who just knew he was in a body with the wrong sex attached.  Fox has betrayed its base.


Every element of this video is propagandistic, dangerous garbage. The report states that this biologically female child was choosing her gender before she could speak

That is madness.

The report further states that Ryland’s parents began social transition at the age of five.  

We have the radical gender theory activist Trevor Project stats claiming that childhood transition is the only way to prevent suicide.

“I’d rather have a living son than a dead daughter” is, again, propagandistic sloganeering. There is no credible evidence that transition alleviates suicidal ideation among children who identify as LGBTQ+.

This is child abuse. The vast majority of children who display signs of gender dysphoria desist over time.

The report is absolute, horrifying propaganda. 

We have Mom citing her “Christian faith” to justify the perversion of biological identity. 

We have got Dad talking about “living authentically” – by hormonally transitioning a biologically female child, a transition that if continued will result in biological sterilization and/or breast- and genital-mutilating surgery.

This family became famous in 2014 – when Ryland, now 14, was six years old. Mom wrote a book about her own heroism. 

This is not about the children. This is about pushing a gender theory that victimizes small children.

And this is happening on Fox News, where the family is praised for its “extraordinary courage” in the face of the “politicization” of transgender issues.

“People are afraid of what they do not understand,” the reporter says.

But we do understand the agenda. We understand that this is propaganda on behalf of the destruction of children. And it is vile.

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