
Saturday, June 18, 2022

Gay Pride 2022

You certainly don’t need to watch all, or any, of this video shot at gay pride LA recently.  We are now at the point where he have an entire month dedicated to gay pride.  If you skip to 8:41 in the video you will see a float in the parade titled “God Loves Gay”.  It’s ironic that pride is one of the 7 deadly sins and that this group chose this word to represent them.  It’s also ironic that the rainbow was chosen by them to represent their group that is prideful of their sin and perversion.  God destroyed a sinful world once and gave us the rainbow as a promise that He would never kill all the sinners again with a flood.  God has clearly said that homosexual acts are NOT part of his plan.  But please remember that all these folks in the video have a huge sin that will condemn them to hell.  It’s not being gay that will condemn them.  It’s rejecting Jesus Christ the Messiah that will condemn them on judgment day.  Without Him they will have no white robe in which to cover themselves along with their sin.  Instead they will stand naked in front of their creator and say, “but I was a pretty good person!”  The video of their sins will be played and silence them for all eternity.  Terrifying!  

Thank you Jesus for giving us white robes.

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