
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Lake Mead is Seriously Low

 Take a few minutes and watch this video from Lake Mead.  It's a huge reservoir made by damming the Colorado River.  As the video shows us, you can see the water level from 22 years ago and then see the water level today.  Even more shocking is the how far down the lake has gone in the past 3 years.

90% of the water that Southern Nevada uses comes from this lake.  If you want to imagine unrest happening in the USA, just think about what is going to happen if Las Vegas (Sin City) and hundreds of thousands people there suddenly find out that they have no water.

It's kind of ironic but the folks who made the video are from a company called SIN CITY OUTDOORS.

A person can't even imagine the unrest if millions of Americans with houses in California, Arizona, Nevada and other western states are forced to relocate to places that still have water and electricity. (The Midwest?) Remember that much of the West gets its electricity from the dams powering turbines along the Colorado River.

Watch it here;  Lake Mead drought update by Sin City Outdoors, Nevada - The Watchers 

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