
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

LGBT Church Has It's Own Hymnal

 The Christian faith is about acknowledging that we are sinners, accepting Christ and then spending the rest of our lives battling sin and thanking Jesus for our salvation.  But what if we REALLY like our sin and we don't want to repent or change anything we are doing?  Well, there is a church for that.

FROM CNN: Jeannette Lindholm knows the feeling. The professor and hymn writer based in Salem, Massachusetts was raised in an evangelical Christian church, surrounded by music. “Hymns have a powerful influence on theology and how people understand and experience the divine,” she says. Except, her early years of faith were marred by a strong dissonance. To her hometown congregation, and even to her family, Lindholm’s sexuality was a sin in need of healing, an aberration to be tolerated at best. But Lindholm didn’t want to be tolerated. She wanted to be loved.

Instead, she dedicated her life to studying music, feminism and theology. She absorbed other religious perspectives. She fell in love with her now-wife, Chris, and found a faith community that believed what she had all along: That divine love has no qualifications, and to be different is a blessing. Two of Lindholm’s works are featured in “Songs for the Holy Other,” a collection of LGBTQ-affirming hymns compiled by the Hymn Society, a 100-year-old institution for religious music. First published in 2019, the collection has proven to be a unique resource for churches who fully celebrate queer believers.

Here;  The LGBTQIA+ Christian Church Now Has Their Own Queer Hymnal Called 'Songs For The Holy Other' That Makes God A Sinner And A Liar • Now The End Begins

Yes!  She just wants to be loved and doesn't want any talk of sin and repentance!  I would hope they would make a hymn for adulterers, drunkards and Minor Attracted Persons too!  They also want to continue on their ways and be loved, tolerated and accepted.

Insanity and delusion.

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