
Monday, June 27, 2022

Sign Says, “Women Want Roe v Wade, Not Jesus”

Mankind's biggest sin that will condemn them to hell is not being gay, aborting babies, drunkenness, adultery, lust or gluttony, no, it's rejecting Jesus.  Jesus died for us WHILE WE WERE SINNERS. Accept Jesus and HE will begin to help us clean up our sin.  Of course the pro-abortion folks who want to continue to sin by destroying human life (Thou Shalt Not Murder) want nothing to do with Jesus.  Witness the woman wearing a BLM T-shirt while carrying a sign saying what women want, and it's NOT JESUS.  

Also comical and confusing is that for the past few months the Left didn't seem to know what a "WOMAN" actually was?  And now all of a sudden they are all using the word WOMAN and WOMEN and saying things like "Women want Roe v Wade" 

My dear Christian friend, CFP reader Maria Kneas worries that the sign ‘Women Want Roe V. Wade NOT JESUS’ seen carried by pro-abortion protesters in the aftermath of the Roe V. Wade SCOTUS decision could become the ‘Sign of our Times’.

It should go without saying that the devil’s demons out on the street can, with the help of BLM and Antifa activists, burn down pregnancy centers, but cannot possibly incinerate the faith of humanity in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It takes a certain kind of conceit to attach to women in the collective a claim that “WOMEN “want Roe V Wade “Not Jesus”.

It’s a corrosive and demonic kind of conceit that puts the “Me,Me, ME” attitude first and foremost, above the lives of innocent babes in the womb.

The conceit of the hordes hoisting the ‘Women Want Want Roe V. Wade NOT JESUS’ reminds me of the conceit of their main leader, the loud and lamentable shrieker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who tweeted out this message:

“Not every Democrat is pro-choice…we really need to reassess if it’s appropriate for them to serve.”

There is no doubt that this awesome SCOTUS ruling, which turns abortion laws back to the states where it always belonged, is going to further divide Americans and put us one step closer to realizing that Right and Left will not be able to co-exist too much longer in the same space.  Whether this plays out in Civil War we have no clue.  But maybe it will start to relocate people as Leftist LEAVE states that outlaw abortion and Right Side folks begin to move to the very states Leftists are fleeing?

We did read that some Texas Republicans are stirring the pot once again on the idea of Texas seceding from America...which is their right.

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