
Saturday, July 2, 2022

28% of Voters Say They Soon Might Have to Take Up Arms Against the Government

 It would appear that some millions of Americans are seeing events spiraling downward enough that they may soon need to pick up guns and fight their own government.  Maybe this is the reason that the government uses every mass shooting to roll out the narrative that they need to take guns away to keep people safe?

We have wondered for some time now about how long Conservatives are going to tolerate living with Leftists who now believe in multiple genders, that men can menstruate, that homosexuality is normal and to be encouraged, that killing babies should be a “woman’s right” but can’t define what a woman actually is.  They are brutal, crude, lovers of violence and we wonder what events might transpire to get Left and Right to physically separate?  Maybe all conservatives move to the Red States and liberals to the blue states?  Maybe the obvious place for Liberals to move would be states that allow abortions?  Maybe we need to have serious discussions about how to separate the USA into 2 countries before it implodes from within?

When and if the United States of America fails before the return of Jesus, it will be a very dark and calamitous day for the entire world. 


More than one-in-four U.S. voters are so alienated from their government that they believe it may "soon be necessary to take up arms" against it, according to a new survey.

Twenty-eight percent of the 1,000 registered U.S. voter in the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics survey released Thursday agreed and said yes to the question.

In a partisan breakdown, one-in-three Republicans and Independent voters held that view, compared to one-in-five Democrats, the survey also found.

The finding comes amid the televised Democrat-led House committee’s hearings on the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, which has focused in large part on whether former President Trump and members of his inner circle helped incite the riot. 

The survey was led by Republican pollster Neil Newhouse and Democratic pollster Joel Benenson.

The institute said the survey was designed to "probe polarization and its relationship to the news sources upon which Americans rely in a fractionated media environment."

"The portrait that it paints reveals not only the growing divides we have witnessed in recent years but strong sentiments that the majority of media outlets contribute to these divisions by intentionally misleading their audiences to promote a political point of view," the institute also said.

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