
Monday, July 25, 2022

Crops Fail All Over the Globe

 "There will be famines, wars, rumors of war..."

Seriously, it certainly seems like Biblical prophecy is reaching a crescendo!  How long can human history continue before "all these things" happen?  And how much longer can we "lift up our heads" as we await for our redemption from Jesus?

Of course we will wait patiently for Jesus to return.  And yes, we will always have that conflict in our stomachs about the lost friends and family that we know as that wrestles with our excitement to see the King!

So here is just one other headline from today.

Food Bank Lines Continue To Grow As Crops Fail All Over The Globe

It is happening again.  Lines at food banks all across the country are getting extremely long, and this is happening even though we are still only in the very early stages of the next major economic downturn.  If the lines are this long already, what will they look like six months or a year from now?  

Since the beginning of 2022, I have been relentlessly warning my readers about the rapidly emerging food crisis that we are witnessing all over the globe.  Food supplies have been getting tighter and tighter, and now insane weather patters are causing crops to fail throughout the northern hemisphere.  

We really are moving into unprecedented territory, but this hasn't really hit home with the general population yet.

Personally, I didn't expect to see a huge surge in demand at food banks around the nation until the summer was over.  

But according to ABC News, the surge that so many of us have been anticipating is already here...

Long lines are back at food banks around the U.S. as working Americans overwhelmed by inflation turn to handouts to help feed their families.

With gas prices soaring along with grocery costs, many people are seeking charitable food for the first time, and more are arriving on foot.

It is certainly true that the cost of living is quickly eating away at our standard of living.

A single shopping cart full of food can now easily cost 250 or 300 dollars at this point, and as a result more struggling families are turning to food banks for some assistance.

In Phoenix, one food bank recently reported a 78 percent increase in demand compared to the same time last year...

The Phoenix food bank's main distribution center doled out food packages to 4,271 families during the third week in June, a 78% increase over the 2,396 families served during the same week last year, said St. Mary's spokesman Jerry Brown.

I was extremely alarmed when I first read that.

Have things really gotten this bad already?

Here;  Food Bank Lines Continue To Grow As Crops Fail All Over The Globe (

The entire world depends on God.  We can't depend on modern agriculture, fertilizer and reservoirs supplying water to the desert to grow our food!  We can only depend on the Creator who "laughs at the plans of humans" as he sits on His throne.

I pray that Jesus comes quickly.  And if He doesn't, I pray that he protects His children and brings us THROUGH the storm that is coming.

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