
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

NYC Airs Public Safety Announcement About Nuclear Attack

Back in the 1950’s and ‘60’s there was a movie played to all school children about how to best survive a nuclear attack.  It was called “Duck and Cover”, and even included a catchy little tune. But we haven’t had any real belief that a nuclear strike could happen for decades.  But I guess now we do!  And of course it’s being played in one of the most “woke” places in the country, the mask and vaccine capital of America, NYC.


New York City residents are accustomed to warnings about all kinds of potential threats — severe weather, public health, mass shootings.

But a new PSA on surviving a nuclear attack has rattled some cages.

Released this week by the city’s emergency management agency, the 90-second video advises citizens to stay indoors and wash off any radioactive dust or ash. It opens on a computer-generated street, devoid of life. Damaged skyscrapers can be seen in the background.

Looking into the camera, a spokesperson says: “So there’s been a nuclear attack. Don’t ask me how or why. Just know that the big one has hit."

Many New Yorkers were left asking, “Why now?”

Christina Farrell, the city's emergency management deputy commissioner, said the video isn’t tied to any specific threats. She said it's about raising awareness of something most people haven't given much thought.

“There’s no overarching reason why this is the time we sent this out,” Farrell told The Associated Press on Tuesday. “It’s just one tool in the toolbox to be prepared in the 21st century."

She said the agency's goal is to empower people regarding a scary subject, and despite the mixed reactions to the video, “people have thanked us that we are approaching this topic.”

“I don’t know if there’s ever the perfect moment to talk about nuclear preparedness,” she added, saying city officials have discussed implementing nuclear guidelines for quite some time. New York’s emergency response program, Ready New York, has been around since 2003.

Mayor Eric Adams has said he doesn't believe the video was alarmist, telling reporters Tuesday “I’m a big believer in better safe than sorry.”

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