
Friday, July 1, 2022

Say Goodbye to Presbyterian USA

I remember seeing a photo of the foyer in the Presbyterian church in downtown Minneapolis.  They had a table with 3 books laying on it. A sign above the table read, “The Holy Texts”.  The book of prominence laying in the middle was the Muslim Koran. What could they be thinking?  And now we more evidence of how lost the leadership is. They won’t be around much longer as they curse Israel by comparing them to Nazis and spreading other lies about them.


On Tuesday, by a vote of 28 for and only three against, The Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, an umbrella group representing churches across the country claiming over 1.7 million members, passed several anti-Israel resolutions including one that labeled Israel an apartheid state and compared Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians to the Nazi’s genocidal treatment of the Jews.

Other false accusations made by the resolution were:

  • The resolution falsely accuses Israel of stealing Palestinian water supplies “for Jewish-only settlements”
  • Establishing two sets of laws, one for Israelis and one for Palestinians, which give preferential treatment to Israeli Jews and oppressive treatment to Palestinians,
  • Denying the right to “freedom of residence to Palestinians.”
  • It accused Israel of “dividing the population along racial lines by the creation of separate reserves and ghettos for the Palestinians.”

The resolution also condemned Israel’s use o checkpoints and security barriers which have proven effective at preventing Palestinian terrorism. The resolution called for “members, congregations, presbyteries, and national staff units, including the Office of Interfaith Relations, to seek appropriate ways to bring an end to Israeli apartheid.” Ironically, the resolution claimed the purpose of demonizing Israel was a “peaceful reconciliation for the people of Israel and Palestine similar to that which occurred in South Africa when apartheid was internationally acknowledged.”

While acknowledging that there is a disturbing rise in antisemitism, the resolution claimed that its claims were not antisemitic as they addressed  “behaviors…without condemning a whole people group.”

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