
Sunday, July 17, 2022

Texas Ranchers Line Up to Sell Cattle Amidst Drought

 Strange events keep happening that affect our FOOD supply.  The wheat crop failed in Texas because the drought in all of Texas is so bad. This has helped shove wheat prices up over 100% in the past months. Cattle ranchers in Texas simply don’t have any grass to graze cattle on.  And if their isn’t any grass that means there isn’t any hay being made.  What hay there is most likely is so expensive you can’t afford to buy it to keep cattle alive.  So just like we did last year when MN had drought and we sold 1/3 of our cow herd, TX is now dumping cattle into the sale barn where most will end up at the butcher.

Watch this video of the “longest line I’ve ever seen” of Texas ranchers lined up to sell cattle.

It would seem that there is a perfect storm brewing for America with so many problems all happening at once.  Is this the dark storm clouds of God’s judgment rolling in?  Could Jesus be coming at any moment to whisk away His bride before the wrath of God is actually poured out?  Are you excited for that day?

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