
Friday, August 26, 2022

China Experiences Worst Heat Wave EVER!

Strange weather that threatens crops seems to have become the norm.  Most folks who don't believe what the Bible has to say can only come up with, "Man-made global warming!"  They will continue to scream about cow farts, gasoline cars, coal power plants and our immediate need to rid the planet of all such things.

We already know Texas wheat crop has failed.  Last week we heard that Italy and France have crops the are being decimated by heat and drought.  Ukraine has it's own problems that will lead to low crop production, and now we see that China and it's billion people might not be growing enough food to feed it's people.

So how much of the world's grain crop can be decimated before we understand, "there WILL BE famine."?

BEIJING, China — A crippling drought exacerbated by a record heat wave has spread out across half of China and reached the normally frigid Tibetan Plateau, according to official data released ahead of more searing temperatures on Thursday.

The world’s second-largest economy has been hit by heatwaves, flash floods and droughts — phenomena that scientists say are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change.

Southern China has recorded its longest continuous period of high temperatures since records began more than 60 years ago, the agriculture ministry said this week.

Experts have said the intensity, scope and duration of the heatwave could make it one of the worst recorded in global history.

A chart from the National Climate Centre showed Wednesday that swaths of southern China — including the Tibetan Plateau — were experiencing “severe” to “extraordinary” drought conditions.

The worst-affected area — the Yangtze river basin, stretching from coastal Shanghai to Sichuan province in China’s southwest — is home to over 370 million people and contains several manufacturing hubs including the megacity of Chongqing.

Temperatures as high as 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit) have led multiple Chinese provinces to impose industrial power cuts, as cities struggle to cope with a surge in demand for electricity.

Record low water levels on the Yangtze River have also put pressure on the region’s hydropower generators.

Recent heat broke records in Sichuan, where one county recorded a temperature of 44 degrees Celsius (111 Fahrenheit) Wednesday.

Here;  Half of China hit by drought, rice crops threatened in worst heatwave on record | The Times of Israel

The daily news continues to point to perilous times coming for the inhabitants of planet earth.

What is needed is for humans to repent and turn back to God and pray for Him to heal their land.

Sadly, I don't read my Bible and expect to see that forthcoming.

Instead I see wonderful promises on the horizon for those who trust in Jesus Christ for salvation and I see terrible times coming for those who reject the Son.  In fact the times will become so bad that if Jesus didn't return to Jerusalem to shorten those terrible times, NO FLESH would survive.

Are we right on the cusp of Great Tribulation?  It's getting harder to deny.  Of course God can extend any reprieve that He chooses if He is waiting for those last souls written in the Lamb's Book of Life to come in.  But certainly the birth pangs can't continue forever!  Eventually the birth pangs cease and the baby is delivered.

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