
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

"Civil War" Trending on Twitter After FBI Raid on Trump

 For the folks who think a Civil War is impossible to ever happen again in the USA, I would say to read your history books.  Right now it would take a certain trigger, like may economic collapse or empty food shelves or maybe a solar storm knocking out electricity.  But the anger and tension out there between the folks who can't say what a "woman" is even when they are marching at a "woman's rights" parade and the folks who know there have always been two genders, is getting palpable.  We will no co-exist much longer if we can't even speak the same language.  Something will someday have to give.

FBI agents raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla. on Monday night. Among the wide ranging reactions from the public, “Civil War” began trending on Twitter.

By about 9:30 p.m. EST – approximately three hours after Trump announced the FBI raid on his social media platform, Truth Social – “Civil War” had been tweeted more than 35,000 times and became trending in the Political figures and Politics categories.

Other users said the FBI’s actions were akin to waging civil war. Some who supported the raid accused Trump supporters of using the raid as an excuse to start civil war.

“National Divorce” was another trending keyword.

Here;  'Civil War' trending on Twitter after FBI raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago (

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