
Friday, August 5, 2022

Most Rain Ever!

 Wild weather continues.  Record rains and record droughts.  The Left is convinced it's all the result of man-made climate change.  The Bible might suggest it's because the world is groaning as it awaits its redemption.

Since the monsoon rains started in mid-June, heavy rains and ensuing flooding have killed at least 502 people and destroyed thousands of houses throughout Pakistan.

National rainfall for the month of July 2022 was largely (+181%) above average and stands as the record wettest July since 1961.

July 2022 monthly rainfall alone exceeded the total normal monsoon seasonal rainfall by 26%.

July 2022 rainfall was excessively above average over Balochistan (+450%) & Sindh (+308%), both

ranking as the wettest ever during the past 62 years.

The torrential rain caused massive flash floods in Balochistan, Sindh and southwest Punjab, inflicting huge loss of human lives and properties.

The national mean monthly temperature of July 2022 for Pakistan as a whole was 29.93 °C (85.87 °F), being 1.34 °C (2.4 °F) cooler than the average of 31.27 °C (88.26 °F).

Here; More than 500 people killed, thousands of homes destroyed as record-breaking rains hit Pakistan - The Watchers 

Make sure to watch the 2nd video posted in the above link.  Watch the massive boulders weighing multiple tons come washing down the hill in front of the flood waters.  No man-made structure would survive such power.

Next we find chaos in Japan

More than 540 000 people ordered to evacuate as heavy rainfall hits Japan

As of Thursday morning (LT), August 4, 2022, over 540 000 residents living in the Tohoku and Hokuriku regions of Japan were ordered to evacuate as heavy rains continue falling over the Sea of Japan shoreline, triggering floods and landslides.

Evacuation orders are in effect in Aomori, Iwate, Yamagata, Fukushima, Niigata, Ishikawa and Fukui prefectures on August 4.

Several people are missing.

According to the country’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Mogami River in Nagai, Yamagata Prefecture, overflowed its banks in the early hours of Thursday, flooding homes, roads and railways.

At least two bridges have already collapsed, one in Yamagata and another in Kitakata, Fukushima Prefecture

During a news conference on Thursday morning, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said that around 1 900 households, most of them in Niigata Prefecture and neighboring areas, have lost power, while 380 households were experiencing water supply cutoffs.1

Two people were missing as of Thursday morning, but the number reportedly increased as the day progressed.

More than 540 000 people ordered to evacuate as heavy rainfall hits Japan - The Watchers

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