
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Desantis in Florida to Push for Teaching of Hebrew Bible

 This is a pretty cool story.  I'm sure the Leftist heads will explode, but there is no doubt that our founding fathers used Judeo-Christian values to form this nation.  So why wouldn't we teach our kids what our founding fathers used?

In an Aug. 27 speech at the Nashville Women’s ConferenceLaurie Cardoza-Moore, head of announced that she was working with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to make his state the first to teach “the Hebrew Bible” a requirement in Civics in Florida public schools.

“They will learn about the Hebrew Bible and the role it played in the founding of our nation,” Cardozo-Moore explained. “They will learn about the Hebrew Bible and the role it played in the drafting of our founding documents. They will learn about the Hebrew Bible and the role it played in the structure in our form of government. Our nation was founded on the Torah.”

“Florida is the only state in the nation now that is teaching what God commands us to teach our children,” she said.

Moore is the head of Proclaiming Justice to the Nationsa Christian Zionist organization that battles antisemitism. 

A video of her statements was posted by Right Wing Watch, a far-left organization, saying it posted the clip “to expose the agenda of the extreme right.” The organization slammed her speech, describing Cardozo-Moore as a “Trump-loving, anti– Islam, religious-right activist who has recently begun to focus her efforts on ensuring that public school textbooks eliminate what she claims is anti-Semitic, anti-Judeo/Christian, Anti-American, pro-Islamic indoctrination of students.”

“Her comments are simply another way of stating the false Christian nationalist claim that the United States was founded on the Bible—a claim meant to justify their efforts to dismantle the separation of church and state,” RWW wrote.

Her speech was also the target of an article in Forward, a far-left media targeting a Jewish audience.

The initiative to include the study of Torah comes in the wake of several Florida districts flipping their school boards due to the recent elections. Moore’s organization has been facilitating this change through its Taking Back America’s Children initiative by supporting, encouraging, and training everyday citizens to engage in the democratic process. 

Here;  Historic first: DeSantis to require teaching Hebrew Bible in Florida's public schools (

I'm quite sure that our founding fathers had no mention of SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.  They fully intended our citizens to be brought up with an understanding of the Bible.  What they didn't want was the state to mandate that we all would have to be Methodists or Lutherans.

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