
Monday, September 5, 2022

Trump & Biden Trade Dangerous Accusations

I posted 2 articles below.  The first one has Biden saying Trump and his MAGA forces are a threat to the soul of the nation.  The 2nd is Trump at a rally saying Biden is an enemy of the state.  Notice that the Biden article was posted by American Military News.  Also notice that the Left and Right continue to step further apart from each other and say that the other are threats to the entire existence of America.  These statements continue to push America closer and closer to an actual civil war because both parties will believe they are battling for the continuation of America.  Both parties will believe the other is the enemy of the State and both will believe they are fighting for a noble cause.


President Joe Biden delivered a 24-minute nationally televised speech Thursday night. He was deliberately positioned in front of uniformed Marines, with ominous red background lighting, as he painted his political foes as “MAGA forces.” 

He called them a threat to the “soul of the nation.”

One would have to be blind to not see the clear battle-ready imagery.


Former US President Donald Trump on Saturday held a rally in Pennsylvania in which he ripped his successor Joe Biden and described him as an "enemy of the state".

In the rally, which was Trump’s first public appearance since the August 8 raid on his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida, Trump said the search was a "travesty of justice" and warned it would produce "a backlash the likes of which nobody has ever seen."

The former President added that the "egregious abuse of the law" was going to produce "a backlash the likes of which nobody has ever seen."

Trump also hit back at Biden's speech this week in which the President said that Trump and Republican supporters "represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic."

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