
Tuesday, September 6, 2022

US Constitution Only Works to Govern a Religious and Moral People

 We have noted this John Adams quote in previous blogs but thought it was a good time to remind readers of what this forefather said and warned.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

― John Adams

As you watch the news of carjackers brazenly pulling over someone at gunpoint and taking their cars, do you think those folks are religious and moral?

As you see the drug addictions, alcohol addictions and drug overdoses skyrocket in America, do you think those folks are religious and moral?

As you notice the millions of Americans who are sitting in prisons across America for committing the crimes of theft, human traffiking, rape, robbery and murder, do you think those folks are religious and moral? 

At some point the immoral people of America will vastly outnumber the moral people of America.  When this happens the costs of police, prisons, attorneys, judges, courts, probation officers and social workers will simply swamp the boat that we are all floating in.

The only hope for America would be if the vast majority of Americans were willing to repent and begin to live under the moral laws of God.  And do you really think that's going to happen?

I don't believe it will.  I believe we are seeing what happens to a nation WHEN IT REJECTS GOD.  All of the blessings that HE bestowed on us can vanish in a very short period of time.

So where do we find our joy knowing what is coming?  Our joy is found in the Lord.  We cling to His promises that He is preparing a place for us.  If it wasn't true he wouldn't have told us so.  The things of this earth are passing away EXACTLY as he said they would.  So let's be busy about the Lord's work.  Let's be sharing the Gospel with boldness to a lost and dying world.  And let's think on heavenly things because that is where we are soon going to be for all of eternity.

"Don't become so earthly minded that you are no heavenly good".

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