
Friday, October 14, 2022

600 Levites Rehearse for 3rd Temple

The chatter around the 3rd Temple seems to have really picked up steam in the past few months.  It seems that lately an article about events surrounding the 3rd Temple are happening about every other day.  Many prophecy watchers believe that followers of Christ will have been raptured before the 3rd Temple is actually built.  While we can’t know that sure, there can be no doubt that the 3rd Temple activity is a HUGE sign that earth is in its very last days.  What a privilege to be born and live in “times like these”.



On Thursday night, 600 Jewish men from the tribe of Levi held a rehearsal on the steps leading up to the Temple Mount to prepare to play their role in providing the musical accompaniment for the Third Temple service.

Israel365 News correspondent Joshua Wander spoke with Yitzchak Weiss, who arranged the music and is one of the organizers of the event or, in his own words, “the father of this idea.”

“The idea is to bring back the singing of the Levites and to renew it,” Weis said. 

 He explained that the idea first came to him when he was the principal of the Mizmor music school in Givat Washington. The school was opened in 2010 for the purpose of developing higher learning in music for Observant Jews.  

“I wanted to make something special for Jewish music, not just to learn music to be a singer” eiss explained. “I asked myself what is the essence, the plus that we can give to music. We thought about composing music to the text of the Bible that the Levites were singing in the Temple and to make [comtemporary] music for it. We started the project, giving some students to compose music. And then we thought, why shouldn’t we make a living choir.”

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