
Monday, October 31, 2022

Globalist Plan is Lining Up Exactly as Bible Foretold

It's true.  We are the first generation to have the technology necessary to fulfill Bible prophecy.  For 2000 years, people would read the Bible and say, "Well, this could never happen so it must be spiritualized," and then would come up with some sort of errant understanding that would spread through the denomination.  The fact that these things are being literally fulfilled should be one other confirmation of the convergence of prophetic events transpiring.  This should also cause us to look up since we can see "all these things beginning to happen."

Unless you have been living off the grid for the past two years, you realize that our nation, in fact, the entire world, is in a transition and has been deceived, causing confusion, chaos, and fear like never seen in recent history (1 John 2:18).

We are witnessing the “setup” for many events that the Bible has predicted will happen right before the return of Christ. Even if you are not a follower of Christ, one crucial fact is undeniable: The Bible has over one thousand prophecies, and over half have already been fulfilled! It’s a mathematical impossibility for those predictions not to be accurate (one in one hundred quadrillion, to be exact), which tells us that the remaining Bible prophecies will be fulfilled.

The Bible tells us that four things will be in place right before the return of Christ:

1. A one-world global government.

2. A global economic system/one way to buy, sell, trade (Beast system).

3. A global dictator the Bible calls The Antichrist.

4. A global false religion the Bible calls The false prophet.

Now because of the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence, the global elitists have been working on a plan that is lining up exactly how the Bible foretold us it would, and they are ready to unleash it on the entire world, including the United States.

The pieces of the puzzle the Bible lays out that will occur in the last days appear to be coming together perfectly. Understand that this has been well thought out and planned for decades, and those in power are ready to use the following “crisis” to proceed with their agenda.

The bait and switch: “Look over here!” While most Americans are distracted by the constant bombardment of Biden vs. Trump and claims that MAGA supporters are a clear and present danger; the border crisis, economic disaster, pandemic, failing schools, trans agenda, and our government set to change our entire way of life.

If you haven’t noticed, our world runs on A.I. and digital technology, which we have become dependent on and rely on for work and communication (in other words, it is currently impossible to live and work without this technology).

How will one person be able to monitor and control an entire world population? Through the advancement of A.I., our world has transitioned into a digital/traceable world. This will enable governments to track and trace every financial transaction through “blockchain, digital and programmable currency.” Not just what you can buy but also how much you can buy. This is set up for the Mark of the Beast system and the coming “tribulation government” (Revelation 13:16).

For the first time in human history, the events foretold in the Bible are now being understood. Now with the advancement of A.I., the Antichrist, along with the false prophet, will be able to use this technology to usher in the Beast system that will be able to monitor those that do not Worship the Image of the Beast. This system is already up and running; the only step left is implementing it. 

Here;  The Globalist Plan Is Lining Up Exactly How The Bible Foretold | Harbingers Daily

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