
Friday, October 28, 2022

Miss Universe Organization Bought by Transgender

A man, pretending to be a woman, just bought this organization.  The media is beaming that this will be the organizations first female owner.  Folks who know better are pushing back and pointing out that it’s still owned by a male.  Clown world continues.


A Thai transgender activist just bought the Miss Universe Organization for $20 million, according to the Associate Press.

From the outlet:

Chakrapong “Anne” Chakrajutathib, who controls JKN Global Group Public Co. Ltd., is a celebrity in Thailand who has starred in reality shows and is outspoken about being a transgender woman [sic]. [He] helped establish a nonprofit group, Life Inspired For Transsexual Foundation, to promote trans rights. …

… A profile of Chakrapong in the Bangkok Post newspaper earlier this year said in [his] youth, [he] studied at an all-male school where [he] was harassed for identifying as female. After attaining financial success, [he] spent 40 million baht ($1 million) on sex reassignment surgery and other procedures, the newspaper reported.

Nothing about this trend is new, however, as woke individuals like Chakrapong have long been trying to prop up men who pretend to be women in once solely female spaces.

Right on cue, the mainstream media is already administering praise to the Thai business tycoon – who is a biological man – for being the first so-called “woman” to own the Miss Universe Organization in its 71-year-history.

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