
Monday, October 24, 2022

US Military Practicing for War With Russia

 Wars and rumors of war.  NATO was formed to stop the Russian threat, and USA is the 500 lb gorilla of NATO.  Are we ready to fight a war with Russia?  How about a war with Russia and China at the same time?  Do we have enough manly men to fight?  Could they put down their Starbucks long enough to complete basic training?  Are there enough non-obese young Americans to fill the demand for soldiers?  No doubt these are perilous times.  We can be so thankful that Jesus is in control of it all and that we know how the story ends.


U.S. military forces are "fully prepared" to cross into Ukraine at a moment's notice to fight a war against Russia.

The Army's 101st Airborne Division, which boasts the "Screaming Eagles" moniker, has been deployed to Europe for the first time since World War II, practicing with live tank and artillery rounds not far from the Black Sea, across which Russia has taken territory from Ukraine, including Crimea, at a forward operating site on NATO's eastern flank, according to CBS News.

Brig. Gen. John Lubas, the division's deputy commander, stressed this is "not a training deployment" but rather a "combat deployment" from which his forces "need to be ready to fight tonight, depending on how the situation escalates across the border."

Col. Edwin Matthaidess, commander of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, told the news outlet these troops are the closest U.S. unit to the fighting in Ukraine, still raging more than seven months into Russia's full-scale invasion began. "It keeps us on our toes," he said.

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