
Monday, November 14, 2022

BRICS Global Reserve Cuurency

 We have written a ton on the US Dollar and the advantage it has given USA since we won WWII.  It allows us to print money as much as we want to pay our bills with other nations.  It also allows us to export our inflation to anyone else who uses dollars which is the entire planet.  If USA ever lost this status of ONLY reserve currency, it would be devastating.  No longer would there be talk of paying off student loans.  No longer would America be able to print money to buy anything we want.  And if American taxpayers and voters had to pay for things with money that had to be earned first, the American dream of having things today while billing them to your kids and grandkids would be over.

BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.  They have been buying gold in massive numbers.  There intention is to knock America off our ONLY RESERVE status and replace it with their gold-backed currency.  When the rest of the world is given a choice of owning a gold-backed currency vs. the US Dollar backed by “faith” in the US Government, it could be the end of the line for this 75 year run that we’ve had.  Also remember that Nixon removed us from the gold standard in 1972 so it’s been about 50 years that America has been able to print money on paper with nothing backing it and no one else regulating the amount of printing.

Watch it here,

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