
Thursday, November 10, 2022

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert Mentions Return of Christ

 Have you seen the T-shirt that says, "Noah was a conspiracy theorist...until it rained!"?  That's pretty clever and pretty true.  Just imagine how Noah was mocked for spending 120 years building a huge boat and telling folks, "Repent!  If you do you can have a place on the boat and save your earthly and eternal life!"  Decades went by and with every passing year folks would walk by his project and say, "Ol' crazy Noah and his crazy sons!  What a freakin nut-case that dude is!" 

Jesus said that the Last Days would be like they were "in the days of Noah."...which could mean a lot of things, but one thing for sure is that the same scoffers would show up and say, "Where is this promise of the return of your mythical Jesus?  The years keep rolling by and still, we can do anything we want to do because HE AIN'T COMING cuz HE DOESN'T EXIST!!!"

I was checking on election results today and I saw this article about Colorado Congresswoman, Lauren Boebert, in the liberal news source called The Guardian.

Lauren is a Bible believer and leans far right into the Republican party.  She's big into gun rights and pro-life.  Right now she is about 67 votes behind her Democratic opponent.  The Left would LOVE to see her tossed out.

But here are the interesting paragraphs that caught my eye;

But on Thursday the margin in the race put it in the recount zone of about 800 votes or less, or 0.5% of the leader’s vote total. Both Boebert and Frisch had 50% of the vote as of Thursday morning.

Frisch contends that Boebert sacrificed her constituents’ interests for frequent “angertainment”, accusing Joe Biden and the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, of seeking to destroy the soul of the nation. He vowed if elected to join the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, a sharp turn from Boebert’s repudiation of across-the-aisle politics.

Last month, Boebert prompted shock and mockery for telling party members they would “get to be part of ushering in the second coming of Jesus”, while insisting society was “in the last of last days”.

At a dinner hosted by the Knox county Republican party in Tennessee, the congresswoman addressed the guests by saying, “I want to start with two words: ‘Let’s go, Brandon’” – a reference to a vulgar anti-Biden slogan.


She prompted "shock and mockery" for dare speaking of the return of Jesus and insisting we are in the "last of the last days".

While I'm quite sure that Jesus had no plans on being a politician when he visited here 2000 years ago, I do know that he is Pro-life, pro-traditional marriage and pro-snatching people from the fires of hell while there is still daylight in which to work.  If Lauren loses her job for suggesting that Jesus is coming then so be it.  I'm guessing that speaking boldly for Jesus may have some eternal rewards for her.

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