
Monday, November 14, 2022

Fight Coming! Do Children Belong to Parents or to the State?

 At first glance you would answer this question, "Parents!!"  But what if his dad is smoking weed with him at 8 years old?  "Well, then the state needs to do something to protect the kid!"

Now imagine your 12 year old son comes to you and says, "I'm a transgender lesbian and I/m going to start taking puberty blockers and and eventually want my penis removed and replaced with a birth canal."

"Well Dennis, that's crazy!!  He's my son and I can say, 'no way son!  You will grow out of this!'"

And what if the state hears about your son's desire to become a woman and your desire to stop him and deem your behavior to be child abuse and order the state to take custody of your son so he can complete his gender change??

I hate to say it, but this is exactly what is coming to a Blue state near you.

I also hate to say it but will any states remain Red states for much longer after viewing this election?? 

Of the many debates raging across the United States, none is more important nor consequential than to whom children belong: parents or the state. For example, should schools and educators intervene between children and their parents, and even hide from parents what they are teaching and counseling when it comes to sexuality and gender? 

States across the country have adopted different and contradictory policies on these matters, some reversing them back and forth as elections bring different worldviews into power. 

For example, last year, former Virginia governor Ralph Northam instituted a policy designed to "accommodate transgender students" by allowing them to use their preferred bathrooms and locker rooms, to adopt their preferred pronouns, to play on their preferred sports teams and to receive care and counseling to "affirm" their identity, all without parental consent. 

This year, Virginia's new governor Glenn Youngkin's Department of Education reversed these interventions with a new model policy that restores parental rights to "make decisions with respect to their children's upbringing."  

Specifically, the new policy mandates that students must use school restrooms and participate on school sports teams that match their biological sexes, and parental approval is required to change a student's name and pronouns or to receive gender-related treatments. The new law follows the reasoning of a Virginia statute that stipulates, "A parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent's child." 

The reversal of Governor Northam's policy was not without critics. The Roanoke Times described a rowdy public meeting in Richmond last month where dozens of Virginians, from both sides of the issue, spoke out. One resident who identifies as transgender expressed the urgency of fellow progressives, saying, "If you don't enact these policies, children will die." 

Of course, there's no actual evidence that transitioning minors improves their mental health or keeps them from committing suicide. One recent survey of the existing research on the topic found that science has "not shown that cross-sex medical treatments are beneficial to children or adolescents" and that "there is evidence of harmful impact." 

This is probably why a growing number of otherwise socially liberal countries are now pumping the brakes on gender transitions for minors, even shutting down famous gender clinics, like London's Tavistock Clinic.  

On the other hand, champions of SB 107, which will go into effect in California next year, hope that their new law will turn the state into a "refuge" for transgender children. The law would prohibit enforcement of laws from other states (for instance, Texas) and would allow officials to prosecute parents who subject their children to "non-affirming" transgender therapy or treatments. 

What it defines as appropriate "healthcare"--social transition, hormones, and other medical interventions--are treatments lacking in conclusive, supporting evidence. Inspired by California, lawmakers in 19 other states have introduced similar "trans refuge bills."   

So much is at stake as this state-by-state patchwork of contradictory laws expands: the validity of a historically brand new ideology that thinks of men and women as interchangeable, the idea that even children should be able to (or for that matter, can) switch gender, what it means to show compassion and actually help those struggling with gender dysphoria, and especially, the lives and wellbeing of children.  

Here;  Fight For The Next Generation - Do Children Belong To Parents Or The State? (

While this might seem all rather shocking that the Liberal/Leftists could be pushing for these things, maybe it shouldn't be?  As Jan Markell has asked many times, "What did you think the very last days would look like?"

Good will be called evil and evil will be called good.  As the Democrats get more power here in Minnesota, the first thing on their agenda is going to be to legalize mind altering drugs that the Bible would refer to as "witchcraft or magic arts" using the Greek word pharmakia.  Many of those drugs will end up in our young children's bodies and minds.

In California they voted to enshrine abortion rights in the constitution that would allow a woman to kill her baby right up until the moment it left the birth canal.

God help us!  We know no what we do!!

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