
Thursday, November 3, 2022

Lake Mead Water Level Update

 No one appears to be talking about this during the election cycle.  Why?  Probably because the right to kill babies is way more important to Americans than discussing what America might look like if Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Tucson and Phoenix all run out of water and electricity at about the same time.  

“Look at us!  We can build a massive city in the desert and call it Sin City where people can legally get whores, get hammered and gamble to their hearts content!  We’ll use the motto, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!”, because no one will be able to see the sin-vacations that happen here!”

God sees everything.  There is no hidden sin.  And when the cup of sin is full then judgment can begin.

Watch the video and see the water level update.  Many prophecy watchers believe judgment has started.  If God holds back the rain, everything crumbles.

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