
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Netanyahu Wins!

Yes Biden did phone Netanyahu some days after he won the election.  But make no mistake, the Democrats can’t stand Netanyahu and the fact that he won has to make them super upset.  Trump and Netanyahu were super tight.  The Democrats are super invested in giving the Arabs of Palestine their own nation, which has to be about the stupidest idea around.  With Netanyahu at the helm I doubt that another  Arab-Muslim state will be put on the books.  Let’s pray that Netanyahu is the dude in charge to lead Israel as the rapture of the church draws closer.  Keep all eyes on Israel.


US President Joe Biden phoned Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday to congratulate him on last week’s election victory, as Washington aimed to portray a sense of business as usual, despite some apprehension regarding the likely entry of far-right figures into the next Israeli government.

Netanyahu also spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky shortly after his call with Biden, promising to “seriously examine the Ukraine issue” upon entering office.

According to a Hebrew statement from Netanyahu’s office, during the eight-minute phone call with Biden, the US leader told Israel’s presumed next premier that “we’re brothers” and “we’ll make history together.” It did not say what exactly the president was referring to.

Pressed for his reaction on the rise of the far-right in Israel, State Department spokesman Ned Price was careful to insist that the US would wait until the election results and government formation process were finalized. However, he did say that the US “hope[s] that all Israeli government officials will continue to share the values of an open, democratic society including tolerance and respect for all in civil society, particularly for minority groups.”

Meanwhile, United States Ambassador Tom Nides spoke with United Torah Judaism lawmakers Moshe Gafni and Yitzhak Pindrus, according to a statement Tuesday from the Haredi party.

According to the statement, the US envoy “congratulated them on the election victory of the religious bloc,” and vowed to continue to work to strengthen relations between the two countries.

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