
Friday, November 25, 2022

One-World Religion Continues to Form Right Before Our Eyes

 The Muslims, Catholics, Jews continue to agree that they all worship the same God but just have different ways to worship him.  Of course this is a lie.  Jesus is the only way to God the Father.  Now they are building an interfaith worship center in Saudi Arabia.  Watch the video and understand this is the first time EVER that such a thing is possible.  It should be one more reason we look up a few times every day.


  1. I’m sickened by the way you talk about Catholics I’ve been a long time reader and you lump sum us into one! I’ve been reading your blog for a while and my wife and I attend BCC but I am still a practicing catholic I miss pastor Max and it’s discouraging when you are constantly ripping them as a whole!. You might as well say all black people are bad. Let’s lump sump people because that’s what you are doing at it seems pretty hypocritical. Long time follower but not anymore

  2. Sorry Anonymous. I believe you misunderstand my intentions in talking about general groups of religions. As you may know I was raised ELCA Lutheran and I have some very sharp criticism about that denomination. But I’m not ignorant enough to believe that all ELCA folks are unsaved. God will save who he will save in spite of the faults in ALL of our religions...including the Covenant. Yes, I think it’s terribly unbiblical to elevate Mary to co-redemptress. Yes, I think it’s terribly unbiblical to have a denomination that teaches its followers to pray to dead people. And yes, I believe that the Catholic pope is going to have something to do with the One World Religion in the Last Days. If you go to BCC I would hope that you wouldn’t stay anonymous but would come up to me at church and invite me to coffee so we could talk openly about your feelings regarding what I have written. I think that’s how Paul would tell us to deal with things when “you have a problem with a brother”. So please come introduce yourself. Our church is filled with ex-Catholics and would love to talk to you.
