
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Red Heifer Update

 Below is a great article to learn about all you need to know regarding the red heifers that Israel will need to purify the not-yet-built 3rd Temple.  This will be the Temple that the Antichrist will enter and declare himself to be God.  And this event will happen 3 1/2 years after he signs a peace agreement concerning Israel.  Prophecy seems to be moving at a very quick pace so let’s be ready for the return of Jesus.


Numbers 19:2 – “Tell the people of Israel to bring you a young red female cow without fault or defect and which has never borne a yoke.”

There are several main requirements:

  1. It must be a female cow.
  2. It must be a red heifer that has no blemish. In other words, if it has more than only two other color hairs, it is disqualified. Additionally, it must not have any physical blemishes or spots.
  3. It must have never been used for labor. In other words, never harnessed or yoked.
  4. It must have never been pregnant. In other words, never used as a part of the breeding program nor been allowed to mate with a male cow.
  5. It must be within its third year. i.e., at least one day older than two years old but not yet four years old.
  6. It must be slaughtered outside the holy city of Jerusalem but within sight of the Temple.

The first requirement, that the heifer be female, is exactly in opposition to the Egyptian superstition that only male cows were suitable for sacrifice and worship of their goddess Isis. Yahweh judges this belief as false superstition.

The second requirement, that the heifer was unblemished and also red in color, signifies the sacrifice of the blood of Yeshua, the perfect sacrificial lamb.

Thirdly, an animal that had been used for a common purpose was deemed improper for sacrifice. An animal that had been yoked and used to plow the ground would be disqualified. An animal that had become pregnant would also be considered disqualified due to its use for a common purpose – bearing fruit. It signifies that we are saved by grace, not by works.

On Thursday, September 15, 2022, five currently unblemished red heifers arrived in Israel from Texas. A small ceremony was held at the Ben Gurion airport cargo terminal. The heifers were greeted, and speeches were made by many who had made this historic and prophetic day become a reality. According to Orthodox Rabbis and leaders, these heifers, if they remain qualified, could be used to reinstate many of the Temple practices even before the Third Temple is rebuilt.

The five red heifers, which are currently less than one year old, must be examined again to determine whether one or more continues to possess the necessary requirements, according to Numbers 19:1-22 and the Mishna Tractate Parah. Other heifers have initially been found to be qualified but later became disqualified as they began to age.

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