
Monday, November 21, 2022

The Russian-Turkish Bond to Harm the West

 Of course we all watch for headlines that have the players of Ezekiel 38 mentioned.  Today we find a secular article talking about Russia and Turkey coming together with plans the harm the rest of us.  Ultimately they will be convinced that they can destroy Israel.  But of course God has other plans for this coalition.

If they had met as presidents of other countries, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin would probably have hated each other. Historically, Turkish Islamists have hated both Tsarist and Soviet Russia. Similarly, Russians have never been fond of the Turks. Today, however, Erdogan, with a foot in NATO, is exhibiting a pro-Russian tilt never seen before. What is the secret of this ostensible marriage?

Turkey has refused to join Western sanctions against Russia over Ukraine, thereby throwing Putin a lifeline. Turkey's skies remain open to Russian airlines and its doors remain open to hundreds of thousands of Russians and their money. Turkey's exports to Russia are surging. In July alone, exports to Russia shot up by a dizzying 75% year-on-year.

Russia's state-owned Rosatom, which is building Turkey's first nuclear power plant, had sent around $5 billion to its Turkish subsidiary, the first in a series of such transfers. Russian cash helped to plug the growing hole in Turkey's foreign currency reserves — and at a time when Erdogan needs foreign money to shore up the country's ailing economy before the presidential and parliamentary elections in June 2023.

Some analysts see this as a scheme to open up room for parking Russian funds in Turkey.

"The Kremlin's policy is highly pragmatic: knowing that Turkey's partners in NATO are keen to keep it in the North Atlantic Alliance and Ankara has every interest in staying within NATO, Putin's goal remains anchoring Erdoğan more and more to Russia through a vast mesh of mutually beneficial operations in the fields of defense, energy, trade, and finance.

"By doing this, Putin is comforting an embattled incumbent president and is openly bolstering Erdoğan's position in the upcoming elections. More than the Turkish president abandoning his traditional Western partners, the world is witnessing the Russian president using Turkey for his own benefits."

The Erdogan-Putin bond has two main pillars. One is pragmatism: They both strategically, politically and economically benefit. The other is ideological: They both hate Western civilization.

Here;  The Russian-Turkish Bond to Harm the West :: Gatestone Institute

Did you catch that in the first paragraph??  Turkey now has a pro-Russian tilt, "never seen before".  Seriously, this coalition of Russia, Turkey and Iran leading some other North African nations, most likely Muslims, has never been seen before!  And yet Ezekiel was given a vision by God that it would exist in the very last days!

Now take this bit of news together with Israel wanting to build the 3rd temple, looking for their messiah, identifying red heifers, droughts all over the world, supply chain problems all over the world, the churches of America having a form of godliness but having zero understanding, cashless systems on deck, demons disguised as aliens showing up everywhere and now the Pope and other religious leaders going on Mt Sinai to deliver the new 10 Commandments about climate change...would you honestly be surprised if Jesus blew the trumpet sometime soon? 

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