
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Russian Leader Lists his Wish List for 2023

 Medeved was the President of Russia who held the place for Putin to be re-elected after they changed their constitution.  He tweeted his wish list for 2023.  This is interesting in that he has Civil War in America on the list and also the collapse of the Bretton Woods system which has given America access to the world's only reserve currency these past 75 years.  It's also interesting in that he dreams of the new currency being fully digital.  

1. Oil prices rise to $150 a barrel and natural gas to $5,000 per 1,000 cubic meters.

2. Britain returns to the European Union.

3. The European Union then collapses, along with the euro currency.

4. Poland and Hungary capture the western regions of “the former Ukraine.”

5. Germany creates a “Fourth Reich” with Poland, the Baltic states, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, the “Kyiv Republic,” “and other outcasts.”

6. War breaks out between France and the Fourth Reich, leading to a new partition of Europe.

7. Northern Ireland leaves the U.K. and joins the Republic of Ireland.

8. American Civil War: California and Texas split, declare independence; Texas and Mexico create union state; Elon Musk is elected president “in some of the states assigned to the Republicans after the civil war.”

9. Major stock markets and financial activity move from the U.S. and Europe to Asia.

10. The Bretton Woods financial system, IMF and World Bank collapse; The dollar and euro are rejected as world reserve currencies. Gold standard returns, and “digital fiat currencies” become actively used.

Here;  Medvedev’s 2023 Prediction/Wish List: Breakup of the US and EU; War in Europe; Elon Musk Presidency | CNSNews

Also kind of funny is that he dreams of Elon Musk being elected President of the states assigned to Republicans following the Civil War.  Elon Musk responded to the Russian Tweet with "Lol...remind me of this in a year."

No doubt we are living in strange times.

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