
Saturday, December 3, 2022

Secession Continues to be a Topic

We have wondered for the past few years if the United States should break up before a Civil war ends up in our future.  Think about it...the mask-wearing, gender confused, abortion worshipping folks who want to have their public schools indoctrinate their small children into godless practices can all go on this side and all those who disagree with them can go on the other side.  Folks in many places are starting to wonder if this wouldn’t be a good idea before it’s too late.

Please note that this discussion could include a State like Texas leaving the United States but more likely it might be the states moving borders.  In Minnesota a Representative authored a proposal that Western counties in Minnesota could secede from the state and become part of South Dakota.


 Grassroots movements of Americans seeking a political divorce from their fellow citizens have recently gained traction amid deepening cultural rifts, according to multiple figures involved with secessionist organizations who spoke to Fox News Digital.

Such movements have emerged in every region of the U.S. and vary in their goals. Some aim for entire states to leave the union to form a new country, while others endeavor more simply that rural red counties secede from the domination of blue urban centers to form new states. All agree that the disagreements with their political opponents have grown intractable.

We're at a point, I think, where America is not necessarily in the balance, but the institution known as the United States is in the balance," Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), told Fox News Digital.

Miller's organization endeavors to see Texas leave the union and revert to the sovereign republic it was from 1836, when it broke from Mexico, until it was annexed by the U.S. in 1845.

"People are beginning to ask themselves this question: ‘If their state was already a self-governing, independent nation, knowing everything they know about the federal government, would they vote to join the union today?' And I think many people are coming to the conclusion that the federal government is not really fit for purpose; there is a better way," Miller said.

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