
Thursday, December 1, 2022

United Nations Agrees to Commemorate Nakba Day

 The day after Israel declared independence in May 1948, the Arab armies surrounding her decided to attack and "throw all the Jews into the sea!"  They called all the Arabs living in the new Israeli state and said, "Vacate your homes!  Go on vacation while we kill all the Jews!  Once we are done you can come back home and inhabit all the homes of the dead Jews!  Have a great day!  Allah akbar!"

But God had other plans.

The Jews told their Arab neighbors, "Don't leave!  Stay here!  You have a place in our new country!"  But the Arabs decided to leave.  They thought for sure that the 5 Arab armies would do as they planned and kill all the Jews.

But God had other plans.

So those Arabs become "refugees" when Israel ended up kicking the butts of all their Arab attackers.  75 years later they are still "refugees."  Today they are called the Palestinians.

About 10 years later the the United Nations was formed.  They didn't side with the truth of the matter but instead decided to punish Israel for defending itself.  So for the last 65 years they have been demanding that Israel give a separate state for these Palestinians to return to.

Now today we read that the United Nations is doubling down on it's belief that the day the Jews did something wrong in defending themselves.  It's voting to commemorate Nakba Day which translates "Catastrophe Day" in Arabic. 

The UN General Assembly voted Wednesday afternoon in favor of holding a commemorative event in honor of the 75th “Nakba Day,” the Palestinian name for Israel’s establishment, which translates to “catastrophe.”

The vote was 90-30, with 47 abstentions. The United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom were among those who opposed the move. Most of the European Union also rejected the motion, save for Cyprus which supported the measure.

Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan tweeted that the UN in "passing such an extreme and baseless resolution, the UN is only helping to perpetuate the conflict."

In a UN General Assembly plenum debate prior to the vote, Erdan called for the UN to “stop ignoring the Jewish Nakba,” referring to the 750,000 Jews expelled from Arab and Muslim countries in the aftermath of Israel’s establishment.

“What would you say if the international community celebrated the establishment of your country as a disaster? What a disgrace,” Erdan said.

Erdan showed the General Assembly a front page of The New York Times from May 16, 1948, with a top headline stating: "Jews in grave danger in all Moslem lands."

The ambassador described the history of that period, in which the UN voted on November 29, 1947 in favor of partition of the British Mandate into Jewish and Arab states, which the Jews accepted and the Arabs did not, opting instead to declare war on the fledgling State of Israel the following year.

Here;  UN to mark ‘Nakba Day’ - Israel’s establishment as catastrophe - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post (

And so it continues.  The world will continue to turn against Israel as the Great Tribulation draws closer.  When the Ezekiel 38 coalition of Russia, Iran and Turkey gathers to destroy Israel, we are guessing that the United Nations will stand by and have nothing to say.

But, of course, God will have other plans.

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