
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Webster Dictionary Changes Definition of “Woman”

 This whole thing of not knowing what a woman is should be a real warning to show how ridiculous this progressive movement on the Left has become.  We can't even share a common language anymore with our own citizens.  What is a woman?  No one on the Left seems to be able to answer that.  "It's someone who identifies as female."  OK, well then can you tell me what a female is?  It's someone who identifies as a woman."

And now the progressives have even brainwashed the academics at the dictionary companies.  I guess it's not a surprise.  But it should be concerning to those of us who refuse to speak the new language.  Because they WILL BE COMING FOR US if the Lord tarries.

Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary has caved to the trans agenda. In order to appease woke activists, the dictionary publisher has added a secondary definition of “female” that defines the term as “having a gender identity that is the opposite of male.” The key term here is “gender identity,” which demonstrates that Merriam-Webster maintains that gender is not directly connected to sex. A female is a woman. Trans-identifying males are not female. However, according to trans activists, men can be women.

This is not the only part of the definition that has changed in the online edition of Merriam-Webster. Notice the primary definition of female: “Of, relating to, or being the sex that typically has the capacity to bear young or produce eggs.” In Merriam-Webster’s tenth edition, the dictionary defines the noun female as “of, relating to, or being the sex that bears young or produces eggs.” The change in the online edition to include the phrase, “typically has the capacity” shows Merriam-Webster’s attempt to include trans-identifying males in the definition of female. While this phrase may refer to women who cannot bear children due to infertility, given their nod to “gender identity” in defining the word “female,” it is most likely another way to appease the trans community. 

Ironically, the “kids definition” of the adjective “female” in the online edition remains the original one: “of, relating to, or being the sex that bears young or lays eggs.” We are at a point when the children’s definition of a word is the real definition while the adult definition is politicized nonsense.

The insanity continues. The Left understands the importance of controlling language. Once one controls language, one can shift the culture to one’s will. Unfortunately, there is no end in sight until a major cultural shift takes place that dispels the commonly held misconception that men can turn into women and vice versa.

My wife saw a commercial on TV last night during prime time that was advertising menstrual  pads.  The ad had an obvious transgender man shopping for the pads.  I guess some men who pretend to be women like to shop for and carry tampons and pads because it makes them feel more womanly to actually do womanly things.  Oh yeah....what actually are "womanly things?"  It can't be answered by those on the Left.  And make no mistake, they are COMING FOR YOUR KIDS.  By the time today's 2 yr old becomes a voting 18 year old they will have seen and heard thousands of examples of "men becoming women" and it will be normalized in their minds.  It won't be considered weird at all!

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