
Thursday, January 26, 2023

America Now on Path to Have more Grandparents than Grandchildren

 Elon Musk has warned that the biggest problem for Western civilization is people not having children.  Who is going to be around to care for all the 80 yr old Americans if they didn't have kids?  Could we already be witnessing this problem as the "help wanted" signs seem to be on every fast food restaurant from AZ to MN?  Who will work at the nursing homes?  Who will work at the hospitals?  My mom is in a nursing home and I'm telling the truth that every employee that cares for her is an immigrant from Africa with a strong accent.  When I was in High School I worked at a nursing home not far from there and it was filled with High School kids doing everything from washing dishes to handing out meals to helping them get to their rooms and into bed.

The myth of overpopulation--much beloved by population control experts, environmental activists, and progressives--has taken yet another blow recently. As noted by a report in the Daily Mail: 

The famous American work ethic helped the United States become the economic superpower of the 20th century. But experts warn the decision to prioritize careers over families has set the country on an irreversible path to economic destruction. The reason? People do not have enough children anymore.

A baby boom in the mid-20th century saw the average woman give birth to between three and four children. Today, just 1.6 children - the lowest level recorded since data was first tracked in 1800. This could lead to economic devastation in America down the line - as the federal government would need to collect more taxes to fund programs such as Medicare and Social Security - while dishing out less benefits to each person.

The downward trend of American fertility has accelerated in recent decades, as the 'Instagram generation' of millennials and zoomers prioritize their careers, travel and relaxation over building families.

A replacement birth rate would mean that the average woman has 2.1 children, and in 2010 the rate had already fallen to 1.9. It has dropped 15% since then, to 1.6 in 2020. According to census projections, the American population will start to plummet in 2035. In order to sustain social programs like Medicare, the government will have to raise taxes significantly. 

Economists are warning that we have not yet grappled with the realities that will come with having a nation with more grandparents than grandchildren--a spectre first eloquently highlighted by Mark Steyn in his 2006 bestseller America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It. 

According to Dr. Melissa Kearney, an economics professor at the University of Maryland, this drop has been due, among other things, to "a greater emphasis on spending time building careers. Adults are changing their attitudes toward having kids. They are choosing to spend money and time in different ways." They are opting for traveling, for example, over parenting. To be fair, cost of living has much to do with it, as well. 

Also remember that Social Security only works on the idea that there are a whole bunch of workers paying into the system to make the monthly benefit payments for one retiree.  The entire system collapses if their in only one child working while both parents are collecting from Social Security.

For a whole bunch of reasons, it seems as if America has sailed past it's golden years.  And if America falls WHO will be standing in line to carry the torch of freedom and lead the world?

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