
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Doomsday Clock Part II

A rabbi responds to the scientists who upgraded the Doomsday Clock yesterday.  We agree with him 100% that God is not going to allow men and bombs to destroy the world.  God will do that exactly as He says and exactly when He wants.  But of course we disagree on this rabbi’s thoughts regarding Messiah.  They rejected Jesus when he stood in front of them and so they will accept another messiah even though he will be a false one.


 Rabbi Yosef Berger was skeptical of the report.

“The scientists are trying to figure out what the sages and the Torah already wrote about,” Rabbi Berger said. “But the scientists are getting it all wrong. They think they have the power to destroy the world and the power to stop the end of the world from coming. They have neither.”

Rabbi Berger, whose family prides themselves on being descendants of King David, is a member of the nascent Sanhedrin, an attempt to reestablish the Biblically mandated court of 71 elders.

“God created the world and he will bring the Messiah in its proper time,” he pointed out.

The rabbi cited the Talmud which contains detailed descriptions of the conditions preceding the end of days.

“The Torah says that in the sixth year of the Shemittah (sabbatical cycle) voices will cry out to warn the Messiah is coming,” Rabbi Berger said. “This will presage wars and when the Shemitta ends, the Messiah will reveal himself.”

“This is what the scientists are sensing. They haven’t done any experiments or have any empirical data so they don’t really ‘know’ what they are talking about. But any person who is in touch with his neshama (soul) can tell that the Messiah is imminent. So many rabbis and hidden mystics are, to an unprecedented degree, saying so and world events just confirm what we can sense and what we know if we connect current events to what we know from the Bible.”

Rabbi Berger emphasized predicting the end without recommending a course of action bore no benefits.

“The Shemittah ended on Rosh Hashanah a few months ago,” Rabbi Berger said. “Of course, there have been many Shemittah cycles since the sages wrote about the Shemittah and the Messiah,” Rabbi Berger said. “Every generation has a Messiah in potential. He only reveals himself if we merit it. And when the Messiah does reveal himself, the scientists will claim that they predicted it.”

“But there is one thing the scientists have never said and that is how to prepare for the end that they are predicting,” he further remarked. “The Bible did write about this as well and it is very simple. Any person who believes in the prophecies as they are written in the Bible will begin preparing now by increasing in charity and acts of lovingkindness. The Prophets make it clear that the focus will be on Jerusalem and Israel.”

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