
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Happy New Year! Is the Party Really Over?

 We have said it for 15 years...what we did during the collapse of 2007-2009 really didn't fix anything.  It just papered over the problems.  And even though I didn't think it was possible, interest rates were lowered to 0% and our leaders decided to print trillions of dollars to "fix" the problem.  But of course printing money might feel good in the short term but it doesn't really solve anything.  If it could solve things then every government in the world would just print money until all their citizens had enough!  And even a 5th grader knows that won't work in the long term.

We have no clue if the party is really over.  Only God knows how long He will continue to keep America floating on "faith and confidence" in the US Government.  Maybe it will continue until the rapture finally wipes us out?  We simply can't know.  But we continue to believe that "marrying, giving in marriage, eating, drinking, planting and building" will continue up until the time that that the world is plunged in the Great Tribulation.  This time will be so devastating that no flesh would survive anywhere on earth if God didn't come and put an end to those days Himself with the supernatural return of Jesus at Armageddon.

But this one dude from a prophecy site says that it's time to "turn out the lights, because the party is over."  And maybe 2023 will be that year!  We continue to be pessimistic for the outlook of the world but optimistic for those who believe in the Words of Jesus Christ.

Normally, the beginning of a calendar year is a time for optimism.  As we look forward to a completely clean slate, it can be easy to forget the difficulties of the previous 12 months.

But this year things seem completely different.

On some level, just about everyone can feel that very challenging times are ahead of us.

Decades of very foolish decisions are starting to catch up with us in a major way.

Our leaders tried very hard to keep the party going for as long as possible, and to a certain extent they were quite successful in doing so.

Our politicians in Washington kept borrowing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars that we did not have, and that definitely delayed our day of reckoning.

And the Federal Reserve kept the financial markets artificially propped up for years by endlessly pumping giant mountains of fresh cash into the system.

But such foolish measures only made our long-term problems even worse, and now our leaders are losing control.

All of the "mega-bubbles" are starting to burst, and the system is beginning to fall apart all around us.

It is time to turn out the lights, because the party is over.

We all had a lot of fun while it lasted, but now the bill is due and an extraordinary amount of pain is ahead.

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