
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Pretty Ominous Nearing Midnight Post

 One of the founders of Rapture Ready sounds pretty bleak in his Monday segment of Nearing Midnight.  I admit that as you look around the world and notice the reprobate minds surrounding us all screaming about climate change, racism and gender fluidity while ignoring sin, perversion and godlessness, the future for humanity does seem bleak.  This is certainly the time when the church needs to grab hold of the JOY OF THE LORD and hold on tight. Here is the link to comments below


Are We Headed for Round Four of Covid-19?

The world has been dealing with the Covid-19 virus for nearly three years. This is one of the longest pandemics in history. We’ve had three major strains sweep over the world, and now a variant Omicron called BA.5 has been very active in a growing number of nations.

I went to the office of my heart doctor and noticed that the staff were all wearing masks again. A nurse told me they went back to wearing masks out of an abundance of caution. Since each new virus quickly makes its way around the world, we may all be back to wearing masks. Some of the Covid-19 strains have burned themselves out with no explanation.

Europe and China are at the center of a resurgence in infections as more people mix at large-scale events and travel, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). “We are seeing a much more intense wave of the disease passing through Europe again,” Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s Health Emergencies Program, said at a media briefing.

The BA.5 has the concern of the WHO because it is said to be the most contagious of all the Covid-19 viruses. Because this variant has had several mutations in the spike protein, all the original vaccines provide very little protection. The death rate from BA.5 is lower than most other strains. At any time, Covid could mutate into a form that has a very high mortality rate.

In the past, I’ve urged people to get the vaccines, but I now see them as pointless. All the current vaccines are focused on the pre-Omicron strains. There is now a three-generation gap which makes it unlikely that they would be useful against the latest strains.

When I said it was generally safe to get the vaccine for the original covid virus in mid-2020, there had already been 2.5 billion shots given out. I would not want to be the first person to get the shot for variant BA.5. We use supercomputers to check for billions of possible chemical reactions in the human body. The real number of potential reactions is in the trillions, so at some point, we are going to run into a major problem.

A couple of years ago, I wrote about the dangers of booster vaccines not being given enough testing trials. Some vaccines are now not being given any trial run. They are going from the research lab right into people’s arms. Unless a new strain with a high mortality rate comes along, I don’t recommend anyone to get these new booster shots.

Your good reason not to get a vaccine is the clear understanding that the press and the government will cover up any news of people having a serious adverse event. With any vaccine, there always will be side effects. When Big Brother decides we only report good news, it’s time to be very reluctant about all Covid-19 vaccines.

I found my source that reported two serious events, including one child who developed symptoms consistent with Miller Fisher syndrome, which is a rare neurological condition that is considered to be a variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome, and another child who was hospitalized with hives and arthritis.

If a more deadly strain came on the scene, I don’t think we would have the financial means to deal with it. We’ve already spent $10 trillion on Covid-19, with millions of businesses driven into bankruptcy. Having gone through three major lockdowns, the world no longer has the capacity for round four.

The Covid-19 virus is just a warning of what will take place during the tribulation. Bible prophecy clearly indicated that there will be end-time diseases that will kill vast numbers of people. Rather than ending on a sad note by quoting one of these plague scriptures, I would rather conclude with the verse that reminds us that God’s grace is always with us:

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).


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