
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Russia Apparently Shot Down a UFO

 The world continues to have the words UFO and UAP pushed in front of their faces on headlines and social media.  Unidentified Flying Object and Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon.  Both of those words get folks thinking about "intelligent aliens who are visiting earth from far away planets or galaxies."

Today we have this headline.

Russia Apparently Shot Down a UFO

News organizations all over the world are repeating a strange report out of Russia this week: that they were able to shoot down a UFO. The incident occurred in the Rostov region, which is an area of great strategic significance in the ongoing struggle between Russia and Ukraine. According to government officials, the object was detected at about one and half miles of altitude, and was “liquidated.”

But what exactly was this thing? Was it really a UFO, or was it some kind of drone?

The object was described as a “small ball” or sphere. Orb UFOs have long been a an established type of encounter. In recent years, much like reports of UFOs of every other type, the prevalence of these orb encounters have increased dramatically. Skeptic say that these glowing balls in the sky are not unidentified objects at all and that people simply don’t know that what they are seeing are flares, aircrafts, or even drones.

The Russian region has definitely been subject to several drone attacks, as well as the usual surveillance missions. One wonders if this story of a UFO is not the Russian media’s way of warning would-be attackers of their sturdy anti-aircraft defenses, or just covering up information of what it really was that fell out of the sky.

Whatever the odd sphere was, it is destined to remain unidentified—at least, outside of Russian military operations.

Here;   Russia Apparently Shot Down a UFO (

Of course all of this chatter about aliens and their ships is preparing the ground for Satan to explain to the world WHERE ALL THE CHRISTIANS WENT following the rapture.  The Antichrist may very well explain to the world that, "The Christians were all taken by our space brothers, the Grays, to be reprogrammed.  They simply refused to enter into reality with the rest of us as they CLUNG to that old ancient book called the Bible!  They are all safe and well cared for and will be rejoining us in the not distant soon as their minds are open."

And of course the Left Behind world will totally believe it!  Yes, those Christians DID refuse to believe in vaccinations, masks, global warming, climate change, gay marriage, abortion, transgenderism, pronoun use and all sorts of other things!  They simply refused to WAKE UP to the times!  Hopefully our alien brothers will finally make them go WOKE!

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