
Monday, January 2, 2023

The West is Using Ukraine to Destroy Russia

A few things to ponder here.  #1-we are closer to a nuclear war than we ever have been.  Some might argue who were around during the Kennedy Missile Crisis of 1963.  And they would have a point, but we have more nuclear players now than then and we have more big nukes and more ways to deliver them which leads to more chances of an accidental launch.

#2- Is Zelensky really the awesome freedom fighter that so many Democrats and Republicans actually claim?  It makes me pretty nervous to back anybody that Nancy Pelosi is so excited about.  Maybe there are Nazi and Muslim brigades in Ukraine terrorizing Russians?  Maybe they are a super corrupt nation that  is hiding secrets that someone in American power doesn’t want revealed?  We simply can’t and won’t know what is the truth of what, why, where when and how.


 Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday his country would never give in to the West's attempts to use Ukraine as a tool to destroy Russia.

In a New Year's video message broadcast on Russian state TV, Putin said Russia was fighting in Ukraine to protect its "motherland" and to secure "true independence" for its people.

In a nine-minute message - the longest New Year's address of his two-decade rule - Putin accused the West of lying to Russia and of provoking Moscow to launch what it calls a "special military operation" in Ukraine.

"For years, Western elites hypocritically assured us of their peaceful intentions," he said in a speech filmed in front of Russian service personnel at the headquarters of Russia's southern military district.

"In fact, in every possible way they were encouraging neo-Nazis who conducted open terrorism against civilians in the Donbas," Putin said in an uncharacteristically combative New Year's speech, usually dedicated to well-wishes for the year ahead.

"The West lied about peace," Putin said. "It was preparing for aggression ... and now they are cynically using Ukraine and its people to weaken and split Russia.

"We have never allowed this, and will never allow anybody to do this to us," Russian state-run news agencies quoted Putin as saying in the clip, which was broadcast at midnight in Russia's far east.

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