
Monday, February 13, 2023

Could Leftists Be Explained by Biology?

 I think we all know we are in a very bad place in America.  We have one side on the Right that believes a baby is a baby and worth protecting, a gun doesn't shoot anyone, a mother and father raising kids together is the best option, a woman is an adult female, only women can have children and doing stupid things will win you stupid prizes.

While those on the Left...well I think we all know that they stand about directly opposite of everything believed by those on the Right.

How can this be??  

Of course, we all know this is a spiritual battle between those who reject God and EVERYTHING he stands for.  But now some folks are looking at "science" to try and explain.

I'm not saying anything in this article is true or false.  But I did see this article and I thought it was kind of interesting so I'm posting it so that you can make your own decision.  Unlike those on the Left I don't like to censor ideas that might make someone feel bad.

‘Leftism’ is characterized by ideas like equality, fraternity, “progress,” societal reform, and globalism. This manifests politically as support for feminism, homosexuality, wealth redistribution, immigration, and racial egalitarianism, combined with opposition to the family, nationalism, and traditional culture.

The rejection or embrace of hierarchy (i.e. inequality) is the fundamental difference between Left- and Right-Wing worldviews. Right-Wingers believe that hierarchy is inherent to reality and part of the natural order, while Leftists claim to believe that all men are fundamentally “equal”

Countless studies have shown that physical characteristics closely align with political orientation. AI facial recognition can accurately predict a person’s political alignment 72% of the time, outperforming chance (50%) and human estimation (55%) [3].

Taller [4] and more attractive [5] people are more likely to identify as Right-Wing and more likely to actively support Right-Wing parties, policies, and politicians. In America, Australia, and Europe, Right-Wing politicians are more likely to be physically attractive than their Left-Wing counterparts [6].

Men who are physically stronger are more likely to oppose wealth redistribution [7] and other forms of sociopolitical egalitarianism, even if they are poor themselves, and opposition to egalitarianism grows as men spend more time in the gym [8]. Similarly, men with more masculine facial features are more likely to support explicitly prejudiced ideas [9], and men who are better fighters are more likely to support warfare and hold “self-favoring” (non-Leftist) political beliefs [10].

In summary: Leftists are shorter and uglier, and Leftist men are weaker, less masculine, and less capable of fighting — characteristics that are not conducive to success in any human civilization.

Read the study Here;  The Leftist Personality: Left-Wing ideology is a biological phenomenon (

A pretty harsh summary for sure...but yet when you look at all the folks rioting with Antifa, all the women protesting FOR abortion and those yelling about DEFUND THE makes one wonder how much physical appearance and ability has to play in Left vs Right?


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