
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Enviro Terror in Ohio

I have no idea what happened in Ohio but the photos coming out are frightening to look at.  And why is the media refusing to report on this massive cloud of toxic chemicals?  Honestly, we seem to entering an accelerated time of crazy events.  It’s hard to keep up with, and to keep track of, the shootings, floods, wars, droughts, explosions, UFO balloon shoot-downs, hate crimes, black national anthem sung at Super Bowl, food plants burning down, men having babies, forced vaccinations and AI getting poised to destroy all of humanity when it realizes that humans are the cause of all damage to the planet.  If earth is to survive, humans gotta go!  Jesus come!


An act of ecological terrorism has been carried out in Ohio as “authorities” set fire to as many as ten train cars carrying highly toxic vinyl chloride (and other chemicals), unleashing a massive plume of chemical-laden smoke that exploded into the skies and spread for hundreds of square miles.

The idea that this is being called a “controlled burn” by the lying fake news media is beyond absurd. If you want to control chemicals, you don’t set them on fire in an open fieldand disperse the byproducts of combustion into the skies. That’s not a controlled burn, that’s setting off a chemical gas bomb.

The byproduct of this combustion, by the way, includes hydrogen chloride, which almost instantly grabs water molecules from the humidity in the atmosphere, creating Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), a highly toxic acid that burns lungs, flesh and even fish gills when absorbed into water. (And yes, it’s highly water soluble.)

No wonder a mass kill event affecting fish, wildlife, chickens and pets is being reported by citizens in the area, even as the government, National Guard, EPA and dishonest mass media carry out a criminal cover-up. They are arresting reporters and threatening photographers, trying to cast a net of silence over this ecological catastrophe, hoping to distract Americans with the Superbowl and stories of “alien balloons” in the skies.

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