
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Russia Deploys Northern Fleet Armed With Nukes

Biden was in Ukraine shaking hands and promising another 1/2 billion of US Dollars, which will be printed out of thin air, adding to inflation.  Putin dreams of a powerful motherland and believes that some of the old Soviet territories should be back with the motherland...hence the invasion of Ukraine.  Putin has warned that he doesn’t want NATO on his border.  Finland has an 800 mile border with Russia and they announced they are joining NATO ASAP. Putin sends out his fleet armed with Nukes for first time since Cold War. Do you think the world could spiral out of control soon?  Are we glad that Jesus is our Savior and is surprised by none of this?


Russia's Northern Fleet is on the move, being deployed while armed with tactical nuclear weaponry for the first time since the Cold War, according to a Norwegian intelligence report.

"A central part of the nuclear capabilities is located on the North Fleet's submarines and surface vessels," the report stated, adding that these tactical nuclear weapons represent a very significant threat to NATO member states.

This comes amid Russia's defense budget increasing by 34% in 2023.

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