
Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Arrested for “Stealthing”? Yep, It’s a Real Problem We’re Told

Turns out that if you are having sex with a woman or a man (presumably not your wife), and while she/he isn’t aware you remove your condom but continue having sex, you’re guilty of stealthing.  You can be fined and arrested.  You have broken the trust and subjected your partner to disease and pregnancy.  In this immoral world in which we live we need to have this as a law.  Of course if we followed God’s laws and kept intercourse between a husband and wife and never had sex with men, we wouldn’t be having these discussions of diseased men and unwanted pregnancies.

BTW, this story of stealthing was front page on Google News so it must be a serious problem.🙄


 In 2021, California lawmakers made the state the first in the U.S. to outlaw "stealthing," making it illegal to remove a condom without obtaining verbal consent. But it didn't change the criminal code. Instead, it would amend the civil code so that a victim could sue the perpetrator for damages, including punitive damages.

In the case in Dordrecht, a 28-year-old man from Rotterdam was given a three-month suspended prison term - meaning he won't have to serve the sentence unless he commits another crime - and ordered to pay his victim 1,000 euros ($1,073) in damages.

In a separate case, judges cleared a 25-year-old man after finding that he had not removed a condom at any time, but had instead failed to put one on in the heat of the moment.

The Netherlands has no specific law against "stealthing" but these were the first rulings on the practice, public broadcaster NOS said, adding that there had been similar rulings in countries including Germany, Switzerland and New Zealand.

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