
Monday, March 13, 2023

China's War Warnings

 I know history teaches us that when nations/people say they are going to do something to someone, then that someone should not doubt it.  Israel knows this very well which is WHY they will not let Iran get a nuclear weapon.  Iran continues to open up it's political sessions with a chant of  "Death to America!  Death to Israel!"  

So what the heck is China up to?  Is it possible they could try and launch on nuclear strike on America's strategic weapons and hope that THEY would survive a nuclear exchange BETTER than America would end up the King of the Hill?  

We don't believe this will happen before the rapture but after the rapture and/or during the Great Tribulation, then all bets are off.

The fact that the sentence "gathering intelligence for a nuclear strike" was included in a mainstream  news source should have all of realizing the seriousness of the times in which we live.  Yes, it's serious but even more than that, it's exciting!!

The world needs to look at what the Chinese leadership is in fact doing. Xi Jinping appointed what is now known as his "war cabinet" in October, at the Communist Party's 20th National Congress; he is implementing the largest military buildup since the Second World War; he has been trying to sanctions-proof his regime; and he is mobilizing the civilian population for war. Communist Party cadres, for example, are taking over privately owned factories and converting them from civilian to military production.

In the latest move, China's regime is establishing National Defense Mobilization Offices across the country. The Reservists Law went into effect the first of this month.

Whatever China intends, its intended victims need to match its preparations. There has never been a time when it has been more important to deter the People's Republic of China.

Even if all this is the biggest bluff in history, the Chinese military is provoking incidents that could lead to war, especially in the tense climate Xi Jinping has created. In December... a Chinese fighter jet dangerously intercepted a U.S. Air Force reconnaissance plane in international airspace over the South China Sea.

Moreover, beginning January 28, China's large spy balloon intruded into American airspace, then proceeded to surveil nuclear weapons sites, including Malmstrom, F. E. Warren, and Minot Air Force Bases, which house all of America's Minutemen III intercontinental ballistic missiles..... This path suggests China is gathering intelligence for a nuclear strike on America's strategic weapons — and shows Beijing's utter disrespect for the United States.

Whatever China's intentions... this cannot end well. The problem is complacency. Xi Jinping and Qin Gang, whatever they are doing, are establishing a justification to strike America — and they are making preparations to do so.

Here;  China's War Warnings :: Gatestone Institute

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