
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

New Infrastructure Coming for Digital Currency

For those who hadn’t noticed, this blog site had been shut down by Google since Saturday.  A huge shout out to Joe B. from church who helped me figure out what the issue was.  It had something to do with multiple Google sign-ins and one had expired and it shut down all blogs associated with it.

Thanks to all who reached out to encourage me to keep going.


The cashless society will come!  It seems that with every passing month there is more movement pushing us toward it.  Remember, Covid taught us that cash money is filthy and spreads disease all over the planet. The banking collapse of SVB last week has taught us that individual banks can fail and then need to be bailed out by the Fed.  Also cash is the currency that drug cartels and sex traffickers prefer so shutting it off would freeze their business.  Remember that just last week 2 Americans were murdered at the Mexico crossing by cartels.  So read on to see how another giant step is being taken.  Also remember that they need to take this slowly.  If they move too fast folks will freak out when they realize all local banks will be unnecessary once the Fed has issued CBDC’s.  Every American would end up having an account directly with the Fed!  If you don’t, you won’t be able to buy or sell anything.


The Federal Reserve on Wednesday announced a July launch of its FedNow service, which will enable all U.S. banks to offer instant payments 24/7, and will constitute the infrastructure of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) by linking each banking node directly to the Federal Reserve, according to financial experts.

FedNow “will enable all the banks — any bank in the United States, not just the big ones — to offer instantly available funds in real-time payments to their customers”, explained Fed Chair Jerome Powell before the House Financial Services Committee on March 8.

According to a Federal Reserve press release, “many early adopters” plan on using the FedNow service in July upon its launch, “including a diverse mix of financial institutions of all sizes, the largest processors, and the U.S. Treasury.”

However, FedNow program executive Ken Montgomery noted that “growing the network of participating financial institutions will be key” to greater availability of the FedNow service.

Cointelegraph pointed out that FedNow could “stand in place of a central-bank-issued digital currency.”

While Federal Reserve Vice Chair Lael Brainard maintained during a House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services hearing in May that a CBDC could take five years to launch due to needed security and design features, she added that FedNow will still serve many of the same functions as a CBDC, according to the financial news outlet.

Financial advisor Joe Brown has warned that FedNow serves as the foundation, or “infrastructure” for a CBDC, bringing the country only a step away from deployment of a central bank digital currency once the FedNow system is fully functioning.

Regarding FedNow, Brown explained on his video blog, “This infrastructure bypasses a lot of the need for the current banking infrastructure, which is the purpose of a central bank digital currency.”

“Eventually, every single economic participant has an account directly with the Federal Reserve, the central bank, and then you don’t need any of the decentralized nodes of the financial system, the previously existing banks,” said Brown.

“This transforms the purpose of the entire banking system really into infrastructure for the CBDC,” he continued, noting that it would “centralize everything under one roof.”

Brown believes the foundational CBDC technology is being rolled out “slowly” and independently of a full CBDC so that it doesn’t “look like a power grab.”

“Otherwise everyone would reject it. Everyone in their right minds would look at this thing and say, ‘Absolutely not,’” noted Brown, adding that the gradual implementation is also needed to test its component parts in “baby steps” and make sure the CBDC doesn’t fail “flat on [its] face.”

“But make no mistake, a central bank digital currency is coming and it looks like this new FedNow service is just the launch of the infrastructure for launching the full version of the CBDC later on,” said Brown.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see your blog is back. Thanks for your sharing all these times. God bless you.
