
Friday, March 24, 2023

Uganda Passes Most Restrictive LGBTQ Laws and Media Goes Nuts

 In some African countries they routinely kill Christians in heinous ways and the media seems to pass over those facts.  But today we read that Uganda has passed laws making it a crime to be a sexual deviant and the media puts it on front page news.

Uganda's parliament has passed some of the most sweeping anti-LGBTQ legislation in the world. Same-sex acts were already unlawful in Uganda, but on Tuesday night, lawmakers voted to ban identifying as LGBTQ+, or the so-called promotion of gay identity.

In a packed chamber, lawmakers overwhelmingly voted in favor of legislation called the anti-homosexuality bill, with only two of the nearly 400 representatives voting against it.

"Congratulations," said Speaker Anita Among. "Whatever we are doing, we are doing it for the people of Uganda."

Same-sex acts have been criminal in Uganda under British colonial-era laws, but this new legislation goes much further. So-called aggravated homosexuality, which includes sex with someone who has HIV could incur the death penalty. The law would also punish anyone who identifies as gay or queer, and potentially people or rights groups seen to promote or support LGBTQ identity.

The legislation has drawn strong criticism from activists and civil rights organisations within the country.

Ugandan LGBTQ activist Richard Lusimbo told NPR "the LGBTQI community has basically been told, you can't raise your head, you can't be seen, you can't be heard"


Uganda is most likely watching the insanity descend on the West, who can no longer differentiate between a man and woman, and saying that they won't know part of insanity.  But just watch the pressure that Western governments will put on Uganda.  The message is, "You will think EXACTLY like we do or there will be hell to pay!"

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