
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

What Does God Think of Drag Queens?

Thankfully, in the age of grace in which we live, we are not shade righteous by the blood of bulls and goats.  We have Jesus providing His blood to cover our multitude of sins.

In my daily Bible reading we are; Deuteronomy.  God is telling the Israelites how to be different from all the nations they will overthrow.  He told them to show no mercy on some of the tribes they were overthrowing but to kill every single man, woman, child and animal.  Those people had become so wicked and detestable that God didn’t want any of them mixing with His tribe, the Jews.

God also made it known what he thinks about men and women dressing as the opposite sex...and he doesn’t appreciate the confusion.

“A woman must not wear a man’s clothing, nor a man wear woman’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this”. Deuteronomy 22:5

Is God never changing?  Has God changed his mind and now loves the diversity and creativity of transgenders?  Does he now approve of transgenders leading the church as pastors?  Has he apologized for saying He once detested someone?  

All can be saved if they repent and confess with their tongues and believe in their hearts that Jesus died and was raised from the dead...even VERY confused people.  But the key word is repent.

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