
Thursday, April 13, 2023

CBDC is Funny Money That Will Destroy What is Left of Our Private Financial System

 Of course we all know what the Bible has said is coming.  We know that the entire world will one day have a financial system that will be linked to the government and will require some type of digital log in to access it.  We also know that followers of Christ will be gone before the Antichrist mandates everyone use HIS MARK to access the system.  So when we see articles like this coming from secular news headlines WE SHOULD KNOW that the day of Christ returning for us has to be getting very close.

[E]ven when you have followed every law to the letter and paid every fee to the cent, there is still no guarantee that government agents will not later invoke eminent domain laws to swipe what you own because they believe they can use your private property more fruitfully for the "public good" – and, since Kelo v. New London, even for someone else's private good. So much for private ownership.

Competition, in theory, forces markets to naturally discard bad and expensive products, while keeping the prices of the best products low.... In practice, however, mature students of capitalism understand that entrepreneurs are never in search of markets for competition but rather conditions for maintaining monopoly.

The end result is that capitalists are always in pursuit of ways in which they may take advantage of laws and regulations, specialized knowledge, government contracts, or other exclusionary mechanisms to restrict potential competitors from ever entering the market.

The usefulness of money over traditional bartering for goods and services comes from its three chief functions providing (1) a unit of account, (2) a store of value, and (3) a medium of exchange.

[O]ver the last century and a half, the important steps have all been the same: First, some form of paper money is introduced and backed by the government's promise to pay the holder of each note a fixed sum in gold or silver. Next, the introduction of a private central bank comes into existence holding a de facto monopoly power to print paper money according to its best judgment for maintaining a healthy national economy. Finally, the gold or silver backing of those paper money currencies is revoked.

[G]overnments... spend money like drunken sailors precisely because central banks right across the street will buy up their debt and facilitate the printing of more money. How could politicians object to an arrangement that allows them to spend recklessly without any normal free market consequences?

Now with the central banks printing money and reckless government spending pushing Western economic systems to the brink, a new kind of financial hocus-pocus has been proposed: central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

If governments and central banks control the creation, distribution, and exchange of virtual money, whatever remains of free markets will disappear. If governments and central banks monitor every transaction between consumers and producers, then all industries will be subjugated to the centralized command of the State. If governments and central banks assert the legal power to determine who may store value, how much value may be personally stored, and how long that value will be permitted to last, then whatever remains of private property will cease to exist. If governments and central banks maintain a digital monopoly over the only legalized forms of money, then they may redistribute wealth or penalize personal behavior without regard for individual rights or limits to their control.

No doubt propaganda campaigns will cloak this oppressive monitoring in the West's own "politically correct" language of fighting "hate" or "racism" or "climate change" or the next COVID-like scare, but the West's system of control over its citizens will be no different from the Chinese communist version: Individuals will have their digital wealth confiscated or replenished according to whether their behavior conforms to the strictures of the State.

[A]n overhaul of the financial system and a transition to mandated CBDCs threaten what remains of Westerners' personal liberties.

[T]hose who value liberty know that personal ownership and the unfettered exchange of goods, services, and ideas remain the bedrock of those free nations that refuse to be enslaved.

Here;  Central Bank Digital Currencies: Funny Money That Will Destroy What Is Left of Private Property, Free Markets, and Personal Liberty :: Gatestone Institute

Let me copy the sentence above just so we know that everyone saw it;

Individuals will have their digital wealth confiscated or replenished according to whether their behavior conforms to the strictures of the State.

We all know that with mass shootings happening almost daily, the folks in charge will attempt to limit the purchase of guns and ammo.  What that will mean in the real world is that they could say, "purchase not approved as WE SEE NO NEED for this person to be buying 500 rounds of .223 ammo when we see they just purchased 500 rounds in April of 2022."  Most folks who don't shoot guns have no idea that you can go to a prairie dog town in Wyoming and shoot up 500 rounds in a single day.  The folks in D.C. don't know the difference between a shotgun and a rifle.  They just believe that guns are bad and ARE THE CAUSE of mass shootings.  They have no idea the amount of freedoms that this new system will devastate...until it will be too late for everyone.

They could one day limit your gasoline purchases since you are deemed to be causing too much global warming.  They could limit your airplane ticket purchases for the same reason.  They could freeze your accounts because of a post you made on social media saying that transgender women are simply men dressed up in women's clothing.

When this passes, and it will, our lives will be changed in ways we can't imagine today.

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