
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Iran Planning Multi-Front Attack on Israel

 We know that Iran is a named player in the Ezekiel 38 coalition.  We know that Israel is very divided in their politics, just like America and about every other nation these days.  We know that God himself is going to one day put hooks in the jaw of the coalition leader and draw him out to attack Israel.  So any article with Iran and Israel in the headline is something we have been watching for all the years we’ve been blogging.  Certainly this attack by Iran, if it happens, would be a major shakeup...and we aren’t sure how many more shakeups the world can handle right now.  But the more it shakes the closer we are to return of the King.


On Sunday, Dr. Kedar published an op-ed on the Hebrew-language Makor Rishon describing a shocking security situation developing in the region that represents a dire threat to Israel. Dr. Kedar began with a disclaimer:

“A note to my readers,” he wrote. “I hesitated quite a bit, debating whether to publish the things that appear below because of the panic they might cause in Israel. However, in the Middle East environment, particularly in Iraq, these things are known and serve as a topic of open discussion among quite a few, so it is impossible for the public in Israel not to be aware of them as well. Especially because these things concern Israel; its security and existence, much more than they concern the citizens of Iraq. These things come up occasionally in the Israeli media, so I decided to bring them up here.”

“A source I have known for years – an expatriate from the Middle East, a supporter of Israel, who lives in Europe and is in continuous contact with people in Iran and Iraq – conveyed to me his assessment that Iran is planning to launch a combined attack on Israel in the foreseeable future that will include all the forces at its disposal in the Arab countries.”

Dr. Kedar then detailed what these available Iranianian assets were in the region:

“In Lebanon, Hezbollah and Hamas have many thousands of missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), some of them with precision guidance systems,” Dr. Kedar wrote. “In Syria – 17 combat units (“militias”) stand armed and ready: Liwa Fatemiyoun, the Zainebiyoun Brigade, the Harakat al-Nujaba, Hezbollah, the Abu Al-Fachal Brigade, Atsa’ab Ahl Al Haq, the Khorsani Brigade, and others. Iran transferred a very large number of missiles and UAVs to Syria and these are ready to be launched.”

Dr. Kedar’s prediction seems to be already materializing. On Thursday afternoon, 34 rockets were fired at northern Israel from Lebanon. Lantern in the evening several mortar shells impacted near the northern town of Metula. The IDF blamed Hamas forces in Lebanon for the attack but Israeli official sources said it would not have been carried out without Hezbollah’s consent. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is currently in Lebanon.

On Saturday night, six projectiles were launched at Israel from Syrian territory

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